
Make the switch - new namesake blog created

Just created a new blog - to keep this easier on all of us.

The blook will be created over there, as it's easier to find when you type in the name. Great features there will be a podcast feed, so you can have a "book to MP3" for listening as you go to work.

This blog will start being the repository for articles I write in this area - quite in addition to the blook. Hopefully, I'll be able to podcast these articles as well, to add extra value. There's a lot to say in this area.

A Midwest Journal will continue to be the raw research comment area.

So we then have three blogs to support a body of data. Nothing like the Internet to make everything so easy to change and update.

Hope to see you over there ... and don't forget to add an Online Millionaire Plan to your RSS Reader and Podcast Catcher.

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