Now, I'm going to give away a few secrets here, so stay tuned...
There are only a few steps to this. And they are simple ones:
1. Do your keyword research carefully. Find out what you are trying to market and then find out how you should remind the world that you are there. A lot of this is already done through your product research, so you then just have to double-check this, or find new applications for that data - as we'll cover below.
My product is basically that I've figured out how to enable anyone to access their genius abilities. That is the crux of that book. The market I'm going after is business execs and entrepreneurs, though I can also market it to other niches as well - who doesn't want to become a genius, or learn to live with it?
So the keyword research revolved around "business, ideas, genius, solutions, situations, analysis, etc." Interestingly, "business solutions" and "business ideas" seemed at first glance to be possible keyword niches I could get into.
Then I looked up the competition (one tool for this is Niche Watch, a plug-in for Firefox, but there is also SerpScope from iBizResearch - which has a better tool called Competition Finder). And there was tons for these. Not that I couldn't get into the top ten on these with some proper page optimization...
A real weird scene is happening on the Internet - people are changing their tastes for things. All things business have been downtrending slowly over the last few years. And of all things, "video" is higher and has surpassed "sex" (which is itself downtrending) - but still not as high-ranked as "free". "Business" itself is still a very high-ranked individual term, according to Google Trends.
Now plug that into the above and you'll see that business solution video, top business video, genius business video, anything with "video" in it has a high search hit number, but low or non-existent anchor and title competition. They are so upside down, it's ridiculous.
Example: "business ideas" has almost 37 mill hits, with 6 mill in anchor, 184K in title and 170K in both anchor/title.
BUT - "business idea video" has 26 mill hits, but only 5 in anchor, 1600 in title and 3 in both. That is a wide open niche. Strategy then would be to take a good business book (like a PLR version you already have or can cobble together) and then make a dozen or so videos about it. Make a website where you post these to take advantage of all the various "business video" niches which are sitting there. You'll be there first with all the goodies people are looking for. And meanwhile, you post all the videos over to YouTube (or short versions of them) and then sign up everyone who visits your sites for your mail list and offer then an online video course with the full videos, PDF's, MP3's - the whole shooting match.
And - you then take all this rich data and research those keywords on YouTube as a cross-check.
2. Ok, now you are all excited - you make the video.
I found another fascinating way to make videos - Picassa. This free program from Google will take a series of images and then make an AVI out of them, with any compression you want. Then you take Camtasia and edit these together with a soundtrack and some slides with text on them - and you're away.
Missing a nifty tune with a nice backbeat for your soundtrack? Visit Archive.org, which has been helping people upload their Creative Commons works for years. Just give credit where credit is due at the end of your video (with a nice caption function in Camtasia). And don't try to resell this audio - but using it for free advertising is just fine...
Ensure you include the link to where you want them to go at the end of the video - or as a watermark which shows up all the way through. And also put that link in your video description.
(There are lots of good tutorials on video, and as many ways to do this as there are lemmings in spring. No need to go into them here.)
3. Now we get back to the nitty-gritty of web-building.
Set up a new folder and then build your opt-in page first - everything except the code.
Go to your autoresponder and set up another project - with that code in hand, you plug it into your opt-in page.
Now, fire up your web-page builder (like the free Nvu, or the paid SEO Website Builder from Dr. Andy Williams - a very neat tool, indeed.)
You only have to build the opt-in page. But it would be smart to build some other pages which you can then link in - like author bio, catalog, etc. While I initially started out to build a mini-web (and I may still do so) I only had to create that opt-in page to start with. Saves time.
4. Upload your video and use the same keywords as tags and description - make sure you also include your link in that description box. When it's up and running, come back and update your landing page with that video.
5. The follow up? Check your position on Google later in the day, and your server stats - as well as hits on YouTube.
Then go ahead and set up another niche video and link these pages over into your existing pages. If you do a video a week, plus another mini-web for each , you'll have probably 50 videos, with 150 pages of a mini-net by the end of the year. And all the credibility of being a complete authority on whatever you are making videos about - like "new business ideas", for one...
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And here's that new business ideas video:
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