Health keeps coming up as some outrageously searched-for keyword. Helps that 'Boomers are getting older (and Europe/Japan have worse problems than ours) and so they are all interested in extending their health and lives.
Check out this Google Trend search for "health, life, nutrition, diet, fitness". See what I mean? The things that would save their health and improve their lives (good food and exercise) are lower ranked than the goals themselves - which makes sense once you think about it. (But if you want to check for a sheep mentality, look up "life insurance" or "health insurance" - which are completely solutions for the after-the-fact-problem of losing your health or losing your life.) Health and Life are re-active scenes - the people who are proactive are more the minority.
But - searching various keyword programs for "life health" gives low response. Few people search for this combination.
So you wouldn't use that combination as anything on your pages or link text. (I can think of some catchy book titles with these two, however...)
However, your mini-web could use various versions of these above in the page titles in order to capture those niche Google-search positions...
And I have a ton of PLR articles which are useless for article marketing, but prime for ebooks.
Of course, this is all old-hat stuff.
Enter Web 2.0
The test is if videos can replace articles. Now, I don't have a great deal of video sites like YouTube. Frankly, like my tests in article marketing, it doesn't much pay to submit to very many to get the key effects you want, which is people finding and buying your book.
Now, the recent research (and it worked for me, too) is that videos and social bookmarking, as well as blogging, get to the top of Google faster.
With TTS, and these short PLR articles, I could conceivably produce a video a day, based on the content of that ebook. You'd then become some sort of expert on health-related stuff. Sort of. Just like article marketing - on steroids.
Sequence is to create the ebook first - post to Lulu. (My clickbank is bugged, this would be preferable, since you could sell the book via affiliates and increase your sales.)
Take the text articles, add audio headers and footers - create the TTS audio (save in own directory).
Build your master mini-web, using your main keyword phrase you selected. This promotes the book. FTP that up and getting running.
Take time here and set up your opt-in page for that subject. Plug in some articles to your autoresponder sequence.
For each MP3 audio, make a video using clipart and stock photos. (Camtasia...)
Post the videos on YouTube and the MP3's on Internet Archives.
As you post each video, create a new mini-web which links to the first one (and gives it all the pagerank). Each media file links to your Lulu product, but has individual keyword niches (where most of your geek time will be spent, other than making the videos.) Each mini-web also invites people to opt-in for more information on the subject.
Social bookmark each video and MP3 and mini-web index page as you post them.
Blog each video and link to the MP3 and mini-web. Social bookmark that blog-entry.
What you are doing is creating a buzz for each of these inter-related keyword niches. You rise to the top in each of these niches - which in turn give their pagerank over to your main mini-web, which promotes the book (as do all the sub-webs on your mini-net).
And all that should add up to a nice set of Google Page Rank which plops viewers to your main mini-net page and sells books. Plus it should give you a number of subscribers to your list, where you can interest them in other related products.
Just to add frosting to the cake, sign up with some affiliate programs which pay you per lead for insurance policies. Put these links prominently on your site and rake in some extra income.
Test of video's and article marketing
This is a test to see if you can get faster response than the months it takes to get some volume out of article marketing. Certainly you wind up at the top of Google faster - but does it translate to sales? Sure, there are lots of factors present. And TTS is a cheesy way (perhaps) of making soundtracks for videos.
But it would be an interesting concept. Definately worth a test drive...
- - - -

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