
Where you can go for the latest hot news...

Of course, it's just not that easy staying the same in this world.

Looking over my analytics recently, I noticed that a lot of people visit here - even though I haven't updated this for awhile.

The most current site for this data is over at the Online Sunshine Plan.

Most of this has been reworked into a more sensible and usable format - complete with search box, and lessons, and all sorts of bells and whistles on how to make yourself a roaring success online.

Some of the categories include:
Key here is a way to take you through the book on this - a page entitled My Online Journey.

As well, a nice little addition is a 10-lesson course in How to Roll Your Own Blog.

But I don't want to spoil it all for you - check it out. Be sure to leave a comment either way - I'd love to hear from you.

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